Simon's fotoblog

Simon's fotoblog

tirsdag den 16. oktober 2012


Hello people.
So today i have been taken pictures of some sweet kids. Those kids are four brother, very different brothers, but they got thing in common: THEY ARE ALL SWEET!
I hope you like it.

Alex age 7..


I am so happy about this picture, so you get it in the real size!

Bettina, Their mother..

Alexander at the right age 7, and Sylvester at left age 1.

Christoffer Age 12.



I also like this photo of Christoffer, thats why the real size.

Sylvester and Alexander. Brother taken care of eachother!!

Sebastian Age 9..

Sebastian age 9.. like this photo too.

Sylvester!! isn't he cute?


Sylvester playing football... New Christian Eriksen? :)

How can you not like this smile? :)

This are the four brothers. Left corner top: Sylvester age 1. Right corner top: Alexander age 7. Left down: Sebastian age 9. Right down: Christoffer age 12..:)


Brothers..4 sweet kids! :)

tirsdag den 9. oktober 2012

New pictures.

I have been out with my family and i took some new pictures... ENJOY..

not editing...

no edit..

The one at left is from september, the one at right is from october.. 3-4 weeks..See the difference?


smile to the world..

onsdag den 3. oktober 2012

new pictures.

So i was and taken some new pictures and these are the results..Most of them from my birthday!
Check also new under the topic ''alone boy in the world'' ..:)

Who say you can't play football in H2O?

Enjoying every moment you  are still here..

God is watching over us...


sister shoes..